WARNING!! Your Social Media Profile Is Better Than Your CV – Be Careful On What You Post Online

Social media use to be a park in the last few years, but presently it’s become a large industry, and it has become an integral part of our daily lives.
Often times we are overwhelmed by the euphoria of socialization, based on the idea we once had about Social media in the past, but truth be told, curiosity has made us demand more from her.
The 21st century curriculum vitae is our social media page. Hope you ain’t surprised, why you haven’t gotten that dream job yet..
We have categories of social media users, they include
1. Business minded people
2. Information/news seekers
3. Friendship/chatting/fun
4. Religious/ entertainment 
5. Social media observers.
Well, I fall under group 5. We’ve been very active online since the beginning of (social media) time but do not shout, you can call us social media introverts.
From a very long time, I’ve known the social media is a double edged sword, that if handled properly will propel you to that height of possibilities and if the opposite is your case, it may propel you to somewhere below what you wouldn’t wish for your enemies.
Imagine how success stories tears the internet and how scandals set the internet ablaze.
The internet is indeed an egg (fragile) .
Most of us may think the social media is a place to express ourselves, chill with friends, make comments and exhibit our social lives.
But that ideology died a while ago,
It is believed that your profile speaks volumes about you.
This is how you know, imagine how many people’s profiles your anonymously view everyday (hope you won’t spy my profile after reading this *Smile*), and as much profile you view, the tendency of summarizing people’s personalities from their profiles isn’t far fetched.
If you are guilty of the above like me just be rest assured people snoop into your profile too on a stead.
I wish Facebook provides a visitors counter( an idea for Facebook),to check how many persons spy your profile daily, you would be amazed who is checking you out.
**** Imagine Dangote himself checking you out on Twitter, some people will argue that he wouldn’t have such time, but………. that’s a gist for another day. ****
In present day, it has become a norm in most multinational firms, Embassies and other government offices to peruse your profile to gain more info about you.
Your CV is what you tell the company about yourself but your Social media profile is what the World sees about you.
Don’t be deceived, as part of their criteria for selection, your name is been googled and all your social media platforms are been checked and scrutinized.
This is because, if you are comfortable commenting, liking, sharing and uploading what you’ve uploaded in your profile so far with an average of 500-2k friends , then their are possibilities that, that is the real you.
Most persons will argue about this point, because they think social media operates on extreme rules but think through it..
See, You are responsible for what ever appears on your profile.
Remember this:- The internet is a virtual World.


1. Setup your privacy settings to restrict certain activities on your profile from others.
2. Scan your profile and see if it matches the live you are projecting.
3. Delete things that do not conform to your general ideology.
4. Expunge irrelevant, pics, comments and tags.
5. When updating status, remember that the whole world sees it.
Note:- This is not a complete set of rules to follow in your social media activities, but it’s intended to guild and build a branded ONLINE Reputation for you.
“The internet never forgets.”


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